
Friday, March 27, 2020

Tom heard a strag nge sound coming from behind him, he turned around to see …

A bear. He jumped on a bird Get away from the bear but they crashed into a tree They fell into the words He grabbed is sword and walked slowly.

Reading Day 2 - Be Kind

Ways I show kindness

  • Look after Alfie our kitten
  • Help my friends if they are hurt
  • Do jobs for Mum and Dad
  • Play with my brother James
  • Save Alfie when he gets stuck on the garage roof
  • Smile at people and say Hi
  • Play with children who don't have someone to play with
  • Give lots of hugs.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Grow your Mindset Day 1
Today me and mum built Lego boats.  You can see on the photo that we did a very good job following the instructions.  Sometimes it took a long time for us to find the right piece from all the Lego.

Before & After
Tom Trueheart 

Tom has a special sword.  It is made of metal and shines when the light hits it.
He is clutching the sword in his hand.
Tom has a shield on his back and a bunch of weapons.
He has courage and is focused.
He has a mission in mind, he has to rescue his six brothers and the princess brides.
Tom is tiny and young.  He is only the size of your thumb.
He is brave, adventurous and daring
He looks athletic and sporty, and ready to take on the challenge.

It is going to be a hard challenge because he is so small.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

life cycle of a frog

Life cycle of a frog.

A frog starts as an egg.
The egg grows bigger the frog start to hatch with a little tail.

The tadpole has a tail and it grows longer and longer.

froglet starts to grow legs. The legs start to grow Toes.
froglet tail gets shorter and shorter and shorter and the frog grows arms and it is a adult frog.

Adult Frog
The tail is gone and it does not have to stay in water. It can still breath under water but also on land.

My favourite frog is the tree frog because I like climbing trees and it likes climbing trees.
By Samuel Parata